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   I grew up in Seattle, Washington and since I was very young it has always been my passion to create a functional family home that is easy to build and pleasing to the senses. As a teen, I worked different construction jobs, learning the building process hands on.

     I have an architectural degree and over 40 years of experience drawing homes. I started this company in 1989 and have been fortunate enough to have homes in more than 23 states and 3 foreign countries. Job site distance is not a problem.

     I have raised three boys, in which I was fortuntate enough to learn the life of every day family. I paid attention to the dynamics of living life in a family environment. I have lived the life of everyday people, then expressed it through my design.

     I am noted for an outside look that is warm and welcoming such as the “Craftsman” and “Arts and Crafts” styles.  I have won awards, such as "Best of the Best" (Seattle Street of Dreams, 2001) for these styles. I have won many other awards for kitchens, master suites, curb appeal, value and saleable floor plans, including "Best of the Best Show" twice (Seattle Street of Dreams, 1995 and 2001). Having created hundreds of homes, I am sure the style we create will be affordable, yours and timeless.


Republic, WA 99166

© 2021 Skoglund Home Design


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